Women's Health Focused

Needing to:



Book Today!


All prescriptions, labs and imaging can be ordered same-day (if applicable)


Each virtual appointment is patient-centered and focused on you.


No more feeling like just another number or like you’re being rushed through the visit.


Note, any labs or imaging ordered will be sent securely to your preferred location


*Now serving Florida & Maryland Women*




Need a refill or aren’t sure what approach to take in regard to contraception?

UTI/VI/Sexual Health

Concerned about a possible urinary tract infection or experiencing any abnormal discharge?

Breast Health

At FemiCare, you can be evaluated and treated for your breast concerns


With FemiCare, you can discuss treatment options for menopausal concerns

Family Planning

Not sure how to start when desiring to have a family or have been trying but no success and aren’t sure what to do next?

Abnormal Cycles

Need help with cycle management? At FemiCare, you can have a personalized approach

Family Medicine

With our board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner, you can also be evaluated for other concerns

What is FemiCare?


Single Visit New Patient


Single Visit Recurring Patient


Insurance not taken at this time

Most times cheaper than your Specialist Copay/Deductible

Have a question?

We'd love to hear from you.

    Working Hours

    Monday-Friday: 8am-7pm (Also available upon request outside of normal hours)

    Saturday & Sunday:

    Upon Request

    Phone: ‪(786) 505-7551‬

    *Must be 18 years or older*